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Pizza Fridays is Not a Workplace Culture

Pizza Fridays is Not a Workplace Culture

Business Impact: Having a workplace culture that makes employees feel valued and heard can drastically increase employee retention and loyalty.

Workplace culture is one of the most important aspects of a business’ success. The job market is very competitive so it is important now, more than ever, for management to look at their workplace culture and see where improvements can be made to increase employee loyalty. The way employees feel about where they work will make or break a company’s employee retention.

According to a 2019 SHRM report, The High Cost of a Toxic Workplace Culture: How Culture Impacts the Workforce – and the Bottom Line, 1 in 4 U.S. employees dread thinking about their workplace. Toxic workplaces are a top factor in employees seeking to leave their job. As a result of this 2019 report by SHRM, a new report was conducted this past year, The Culture Effect: Why a Positive Workplace Culture is the New Currency. The report speaks to the importance of a positive workplace culture after facing the COVID-19 Pandemic. Creating this positive environment stems from management. Employees look to management to set the tone for how one should carry themselves in the workplace as well as what the culture will be. While implementing rewards such as pizza Fridays serve as a nice treat to the end of the workweek for employees, pizza Fridays does not define a company’s culture.

What makes up a company’s culture are components such as communication, values, and trust. Creating an environment that makes all members feel valued and trusted is imperative in creating a great culture. Communication is one of the biggest components in creating a positive workplace culture and 59% of employees feel their workplace culture has improved from the start of the pandemic due to increased
communication. With a majority of the working world moving remote for a large duration of time, management was forced to be more communicative with their employees and show them they trust them to work towards the goals of the organization while not being in the office. Now, moving back into an office setting, it is important for management to continue this level of communication and trust they’ve had
throughout the pandemic as well as show the employees they value them being a part of their company’s success. A few things management can do to continue a positive level of communication throughout their company include:

  • Hold regular touch base meetings with employees so they always have a set time for your undivided attention.
  • Encourage employees to speak freely with you, listen to their feedback, and take their suggestions into consideration going forward.
  • Maintain an approachable demeanor so employees know they can come to you with questions/concerns.
Implementing these practices will not only encourage the flow of communication from management to employees but can also increase employee loyalty because employees feel that their company cares about what they have to say. In addition to this, management showing employees they value not only the work they do but the employee themselves is also a big component of creating a positive work culture. Celebrating little events for the employees such as birthdays and anniversaries or openly giving employees positive feedback for a job well done are little things management can do to make their employees feel like they are more than just a moving part to increase revenue. A business’ greatest asset are its’ employees, treating them as such and giving them a culture, they can thrive in, will benefit everyone. 

Written by
Caitlyn Zmroczek